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🏃‍♀️Movement Snacking 🤸‍♀️

This term was thrown around a lot this weekend by Jerome at Movnat and it makes a lot of sense to me.

You get hungry, uncomfortable, low energy so you grab a little food to snack on to feed your body and lessen the discomfort. What about when your muscles get a little achy and uncomfortable, your lower back starts twinge, shoulders tense, head aches because you've been sitting for hours…how about feeding your body with a little movement?

You don’t have to slog it out at the gym for an hour every day to make a difference and to go from zero to 100 can in fact leave you more vulnerable to injuries - what you do outside of that time can actually be far more relevant to your health so try some movement snacks instead! Set an alarm, get up every hour or so, stretch, go for a walk, do a few light exercises, stand for a while, deep squat, plank, crawl, hang, walk and chat to a colleague instead of sitting in a meeting room. Look around & use your environment! 🌳

We were designed to be strong and move - to hunt, gather and explore our surroundings, not sit still in a chair for 9 hours straight. There are 168 hours in a week so while a handful of hours in the gym are great just be mindful of how you spend the rest of your week, it's the little things that can add up to have the biggest impact on your overall health. Our muscles adapt to the stimulus they are most exposed to - don’t let that be sitting!

We had a lot of fun adding some additional movement snacks to our usual dog walk yesterday - I am lucky that my job is active but we can all still improve and add something extra to our routine 🙌

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