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Moving Naturally

I had such a fun weekend with Movnat in the sunshine ☀️Moving in ways that used to be essential to our survival like running, jumping, crawling, climbing, balancing, lifting, throwing and catching. Challenging, inspiring and most importantly fun! Everything I did this weekend was done as part of a team and felt like playtime - we somehow miss this important element shifting weights around in the gym or sitting on a stationary bike…no wonder people struggle to stick to these habits.

Don't forget all these natural movements our bodies should be able to do - just because technology, work and social situations allow for us to move very little it doesn't mean we should! We are hardwired to find the easiest way to do things in order to preserve energy but we always have a choice to move more - walk to the supermarket, park further away, carry things in different ways, hang from things, swing from things, climb, sit lower, sit on the floor, squat, crawl, hop & jump over things, play catch, chase, get down and up from the ground without using your hands. If you ever need inspiration just watch how a toddler does things and copy them 😆

Best of all these things are free and can be turned into games so you can have some fun while getting fit and strong for life 💪 Now I'm off to find something to hang from 🐒😎

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