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3 tips to hush the evening munchies!

1. Brush your teeth! If you're full from your meal and want to avoid giving into a craving, go and brush your teeth. This signifies the end of eating for the day and who wants to eat with a minty mouth or have to brush twice?! Not me!

2. Have a herbal tea with a sweet element like liquorice, vanilla or cacao - this yogi choco tea is my go to! A handful of fresh mint leaves are also a good option. I find the extra liquid helps me realise just how full I am and can prevent eating after dinner because I want something rather than need something.

3. If you really need something sweet after dinner and are finding it hard to change your habit then go for the darkest chocolate you can stomach - 75 - 85% usually works! Sweet but rich, bitter and difficult to over-consume! A couple of squares should be enough.

I hope these help…anyone have any other tricks to share?! Drop a comment below :)

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