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🌟The importance of being kind to yourself🌟

Be Kind

Are you kind to yourself? Or do you constantly berate yourself, calling yourself awful things that you wouldn’t call your worst enemy?

We can often be very good at being kind to others but struggle to be kind to ourselves - this if often reflected internally in the way we talk to ourselves - our internal dialogue can be judgemental, critical, snappy and negative. I'm going to assume that most of us seek happiness in life but how could we ever hope to find genuine happiness in the mind when we are always giving ourselves such a tough time? Do you need to be kinder and more gentle with yourself?

Find an opportunity today to be kind to yourself - perhaps in a situation where you would usually give yourself a hard time. Talk to yourself as you would a friend - caring, gentle, helpful and see how this effects your mood compared to getting angry with yourself internally and then potentially showing this externally. Question which type of person you would want to surround yourself with and work on being kinder to yourself today 🙌✨

(Inspired by Headspace - Happiness)

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