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There is NO Substitute

The other day I somehow wound up catching the tail end of a certain documentary on MTV involving teen mums. I was so saddened to see this young mum desperately unhappy with the way her body had changed since giving birth. She told us about the diet she had started that day which involved 2 meal replacement shakes and 2 carb blocker tablets…I genuinely found myself shouting “No, no, nooooooo” at the TV with my head in my hands! My reaction was justified when 2 minutes later her and her boyfriend were taking delivery of more Dominos than they had ever ordered before…of course they were, the poor girl was starving as she had eaten no actual food!

This is a prime example of why supplements do not work! There is no replacement for real food that satisfies your appetite and gives you the energy and nutrients you need for your day. Supplements should only ever be considered when you have your calories sorted – e.g. you have figured out what you should consume for your end goal, be that maintenance, muscle gain or fat loss. Yes, it would be far easier to just pop a pill that would help you lose weight but if one existed that was safe and actually worked then wouldn't Doctors would be prescribing it to reduce the obesity epidemic?

Know that there is no substitute for good nutritious food and being in a calorie deficit. Put your money and time into the long game, not quick fixes ✊

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