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Too much information?!

Now, more than ever, there is a wealth of information out there on health, fitness, diet and lifestyle…you would think this would make it easy for us all to just switch to a healthier lifestyle, lose weight or start an exercise regime but with much of it conflicting and confusing this can be far from the case! On top of this, research shows that education and information doesn’t necessarily lead to action and change – we can become so overwhelmed and confused that we just do nothing at all!

This is a totally normal response and the best way to overcome it is to take one small consistent nugget of information/advice and implement it – do it every day at the same time if you can so that it begins to become a habit. It could be something as simple as replacing half of your cups of tea with a glass of water at work. Once you have that down after a few weeks, take another and implement that. Ok, this may sound a little long winded but we all know short-term and drastic change is not sustainable and you do have the rest of your life to make these alternations so what’s a few weeks’ commitment for long-term change?


  • Think of the long-term goal (e.g. lose body fat)

  • Fight the short-term pleasure which may leave behind a feeling of guilt (eating chocolate?!)

  • The smaller and simpler the change, the more sustainable (fact!)

  • A habit cannot be formed by not doing something/taking something away – look at modification/adaption of an existing habit or behaviour (swapping out a mars bar for a few squares of dark chocolate after lunch)

Don’t sit back, make excuses and do nothing – everyone is capable of positive change 🙂

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